What Accreditations Are Required for Heavy Haulage Truck Drivers

December 18 2023
Accreditations and requirements for heavy haulage truck drivers can vary depending on the country or region.

There is a lot of information when it comes to the standards and accreditations required for heavy haulage truck drivers in Western Australia.

We’ve put together this simplified guide to get you started.

In our guide, we’ll cover:

  • Who Requires WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation?
  • What Accreditations Are Required for Heavy Haulage Truck Drivers in WA?
  • Steps on How to Become and Stay Accredited
  • Resources for Heavy Haulage Truck Drivers
  • FAQs Regarding Heavy Haulage Requirements


Who Requires Accreditation?

WAHVA is mandatory for all operators who require a permit to perform a transport task for reward or hire in Western Australia. This includes interstate operators.

According to Main Roads Western Australia, “Accreditation in WA is mandatory for anyone who performs a transport task for hire or reward and meets any of the following criteria”:

  • Operates B-Double or Road Train Configurations
  • Operates Truck and Trailer combinations over 42.5 tonnes gross mass
  • Requires more than four single trips (oversize or overmass) per calendar year
  • Operates under a concessional loading scheme, or Requires an annual Permit or Notice
  • Operates a RAV exceeding a width of 2.5 metres
  • Operates a RAV exceeding a height of 4.3 metres
  • Operates a RAV exceeding a length of 19 metres


What Accreditations Are Required for Heavy Haulage Truck Drivers?

Here’s a look at what necessary accreditations are required for heavy haulage truck drivers in Australia.

According to Main Roads WA, operators must provide Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Services with the following to obtain accreditation:

  • Completed and signed “Restricted Access Vehicle Operator and WA Heavy Vehicle
  • Accreditation Registration Form
  • A signed and completed “Auditor and Operator Declaration”
  • A copy of the Audit Report
  • An administration fee of $225.00


What Are the Steps to Becoming Accredited and Maintaining Accreditation?

1. Research the Requirements

Learn the different requirements, forms, and procedures you’ll need to meet the Fatigue, Maintenance, Dimension, Loading, and Mass Management Standards in WA.

2. Ensure Your Vehicle Is Roadworthy

You’ll need to make sure your vehicles have all been assessed and deemed roadworthy within a year of your anticipated entry audit.

3. Complete All Procedures and Forms

Ensure all of the following have been completed and signed:

  • Fatigue Management Policy Statement
  • Maintenance Management Policy Statement
  • Dimension and Loading Management Policy Statement
  • Mass Management Policy Statement (only if applicable)
  • Vehicle Register
  • Statement of Responsibilities
  • Employee/driver register
  • Training and Education Records
  • Service Schedules
  • Internal Review Plan
  • Document No: D22#101809 – May 2023 – Revision 5 Page 14 of 61
  • Current NTC Medical Certificate certified by a medical practitioner for all commercial vehicle drivers


4. Gather Operator Records

Collect all necessary operating records, including:

  • Training and education records
  • Daily vehicle checks
  • Dimension and load checks
  • Crash or incident report
  • Request for improvement and non-compliance
  • Fitness for work
  • Trip scheduling, trip records, and rostering
  • Non-compliance register
  • Internal review
  • Service records
  • Fault reporting and fault repair
  • Gross and axle distribution records (if applicable)


5. Accreditation

An auditor will analyse and review your system. Once it is deemed compliant according to the requirements of the Western Australian Heavy Vehicle Accreditation, an application form must be completed and submitted. The applicant is also required to submit a copy of the audit report, along with a $225 administration fee to Main Roads WA.

When the fee, requirements, and application form are completed and submitted, a successful applicant will receive a three-year Accreditation Certificate from Main Roads WA.

In many places, there are both legal and industry-specific requirements to ensure the safety and competence of drivers handling oversized or heavy loads.



  • Can a subcontractor operate under an accredited operator’s accreditation?

In certain instances, a subcontractor may be able to operate under an AO’s accreditation. For more information on third-party accreditation, visit the Subcontractor Operating Fact Sheet.

  • What vehicles are exempt from WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation (WAHVA)?

Buses, agricultural equipment, special purpose vehicles (SPV), vehicles with a gross mass (GVM) of eight tonnes or less, and recreational boat trailers are exempt from accreditation requirements in WA.

  • What is fatigue management?

Fatigue management refers to the requirements that commercial vehicle drivers must follow on their driving routes. These safety standards aim to ensure commercial drivers are not affected by alcohol, drugs, or fatigue on duty.

For a more in-depth look at fatigue management, we recommend the Guide to Staying Awake at the Wheel or A Complete Guide to Fatigue Management for Truck Drivers.

  • What WAHVA Management Systems need to be incorporated into daily work operations?

The WAHVA Management Systems Standards require the following practices to be incorporated into daily work:

    • Fatigue Management Module Standards
    • Maintenance Management Module Standards
    • Dimension and Loading Management Module Standards
    • The Mass Management Module – This optional standard is only required if an operator plans to operate within the Accredited Mass Management Scheme (AMMS)
  • Where can I find more resources on heavy vehicle safety in WA?

For additional information on heavy vehicle accreditation in WA, we recommend the following resources:

You can also refer to the Main Roads WA website for information on:

    • Accreditation
    • Forms
    • Compliance and enforcement
    • Heavy vehicle operator updates and information for new truck owners
    • Permits
    • Performance-based standards
    • Policies
    • Road curfews


Need Haulage Solutions from an Accredited Team? Get in Touch

We hope you find our simplified guide to WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation helpful.

Our family-owned haulage business is dedicated to safely delivering freight throughout Australia. From fatigue management, permits, vehicle maintenance, and licensing, Australia Wide Haulage is well-versed in all relevant industry regulations.

We provide safe and reliable heavy machinery transport and logistics solutions throughout Australia. We’re proud to be Perth’s #1 Heavy Haulage Company and would love to work with you to show you why we’re the best in the industry.

Contact us with any questions about our heavy machinery transport services or a transport quote.

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